Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A New Daily Challenge

I've been struck a lot recently by the depressing state of affairs our world is in. I honestly want to believe in the good in people, but looking around I see so much negativity. So I'm starting a new challenge for myself. (And you. You're invited too!)

THE CHALLENGE: perform one random act of kindness every day for a year.
It can be small. It can be big. It can be amazingly planned out and detailed or really simple. It can be as easy as buying a cup of coffee for someone or letting someone go first at an intersection, or as difficult as holding your tongue in a moment of anger or doing something nice for someone you find it difficult to interact with.

The bigger challenge (for me): record the acts of kindness here, on this blog. You can add yours too - post away in the comments section! Maybe if we all add a little extra kindness to the world every day for a whole year, on October 23, 2014 we will find ourselves in a much more friendly place.

Kindness matters.